BlackBinder advances in its revolution towards automatic scroll
Last June was a really successful month for BlackBinder and we want to share with all of you all the advances we have done: new blackBinder friends, new digital scores, new publishers and new experiences revolving around the BlackBinder’s automatic
Canadian Brass leads the distribution of online scores
Last week, we had the pleasure to share a beautiful conversation with this awesome group, and we arrived to the right conclusion: BlackBinder and the Automatic scroll are the solution to all the problems in the future of music.
BlackBinder and world-class artists dating in Sbalz Festival
From 2nd to 6th of June having placed an annual event, the Sbalz Festival in Alzira.
Renowned trumpetists and trombonists use our sheet music App
We feel so lucky to surround ourselves with the best brass musicians to help us change the world of sheet music.