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Sheet Music

Concerto in E♭: I..

HAYDN, Joseph


It was composed by Haydn in 1796, at the request of Anton Weidinger who presented the new trumpet of keys in public. It is the first trumpet concerto created for a solo instrument capable of overcoming the limitations of traditional brass instruments (tonal trumpets) that could only develop the notes of the natural harmonic series. The first movement is written in sonata form, it begins with an allegro in which the trumpet uses its already known characteristics, with uses in the form of fanfare, percussed touches, of the preceding compositions, but reveals the melodic abilities of the new instrument . The second movement is a romantic tone, with a lyrical melody similar to the Austrian anthem that would compose the following year to give his country an equivalent to the British "God save the king". Here the soloist is allowed to "sing" as never before a trumpet had done in the warm bass sounds. It concludes with the third finale-allegro movement in a rondo form of virtuosic character, with fanfares and great energy.