Freedom and fluidity of movement can be experienced to the full.
When waiting to turn the page is no longer necessary. When the space where you are performing is airy, when fi nding the best contents is within everyone’s reach, when you don’t feel you are locked into a limited format (pages)… everything fl ows.
Music becomes a continuum. Sound projection is excellent.
Space and movement are no longer obstacles.
Music is expressed and felt in all its essence, with máximum intensity.
And when this happens, musicians are truly free to interpret their art. To experience music without constraints, to connect, to experience the sensation of transcending time.
Music flows as the musician imagines it.
With Blackbinder, you can experience a sublime musical experience that transcends time and allows musicians to be free and become protagonists through a strong but smooth technology.
Based on musical research and technological development Blackbinder is able to offer you a safe, reliable tool, so that you can focus on what really matters. Feeling free to perform music in the purest and most natural way possible, thanks to its solvent movements.