/ News  / Canadian Brass Store with BlackBinder – the best way to sell sheet

Canadian Brass Store with BlackBinder – the best way to sell sheet

Online distribution of scores brings music closer to their fans

Most people get to know BlackBinder for the Automatic Scroll. Not so many are aware that top publishers and composers are also adopting BlackBinder to distribute music directly to musicians.

But if  you are even remotely related to the world of brass, you’ve surely heard about Canadian Brass, one of the top brass ensembles in the world. Renowned for their versatility and fun deliveries, and for pushing the limits of brass performances, it is really exciting that they have decided to publish and sell online their sheet music with BlackBinder! It was only natural that a game-changing ensemble would choose to use a game changing App to sell sheet music online.

Publish and sell sheet music online

Why are they coming to BlackBinder? BlackBinder is the sheet music format from the future, attracting the most talented musicians and ensembles, and providing publishers and composers an instant way to deliver their sheet music to musicians, piracy-free: you cannot scan the sheet music as you would with a score on PDF, because the music is inside the App.

Their store is a product of the Brass’ long and rich history: in its 47th season, the game-changing Canadian Brass has performed in virtually every major concert hall in the world, been seen by hundreds of millions of people on television, sold 2 million of its approximately 130 albums worldwide, and contributed over 600 new works and arrangements to the brass quintet repertoire.

At their online store  they provide printed music, that appeal to educators, students, performers and people that just LOVE brass music. Currently, you can find a number of their pieces available with BlackBinder. They have effectively made it even easier to reach musicians and their fans around the globe who can enjoy their sheet music immediately!

You can find all the pieces available here: https://canadianbrassstore.com/blackbinder-music/